Thursday, April 20, 2006

I finished the second suit alteration yesterday. They ladies came and tried on the bridesmaid dresses and I had taken them up too much! Good thing I don't cut until we double check. I spent this morning letting them back out a bit. This afternoon I felt like doing nothing. I feel so blah with all this pollen in the air. I don't necessarily get a stuffy nose with my allergies as much as lethargic. Everything outside is covered in a layer of yellow dust. I made myself come to my sewing room and found an apron I had cut out two months ago and had not finished. I put it together. It is so spring looking. I pulled out material and patterns for pocketbooks. I need a new one and I am narrowing down what I want. I also pulled out some more apron patterns. I want some different than the ones I have been making. I want some frilly ones. I need to work on outfits for the infant this weekend, but, I also need to work on a new pocketbook and maybe an apron.

I only did school two days this week. We have read out loud every day. The children helped me clean the bathroom, livingroom, kitchen, and their rooms. All the cleaning supplies are in my room and I just can't get motivated to get it done. I think it's allergies, but, I feel so tired and not motivated. I see things I need to do and want to do, but, can't make myself get them all done. Then I feel bad, like I am a bad homemaker. Sigh, I hate these blah moods. I need to kick myself and get into gear.

Sew Long for Now!


Anna said...

Oh, I absolutely love your apron! Great job! I hope you feel better and more like yourself soon!

Lisa said...

I'm singing at a wedding Saturday evening. It would be funny if it's the same wedding. :) Hope you get over the blahs real soon.

Cindi said...

Lisa, the bride's name is April and they are wearing beautiful yellow dresses. I know you will sound lovely!