Thursday, June 26, 2008

We have been testing. We finally finished. We haven't done much else. I have been machine quilting a little on a project. It is not finished. I did get to read a great book during testing. The Homeplace by Gilbert Morris. It is book 1 in a series called the Singing River Series. It took place right before The Great Depression. I ordered book 2 through the library website this morning! That is one advantage to testing. I have to sit quietly and man the timer while they do the work and so I get to read! It is probably the most I get to read in one sitting at any time!

Sew Long for Now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I well remember testing days! My sister always came to visit that week in the summer and tested all four kids for me. She manned the timer, and I wasn't allowed in the room! Strict sister! LOL! I'm glad you got to read and relax some!