Last night I stayed up late watching the A&E of Pride and Predjudice. I have had an emotional ride the last several days. Some things happened that upset me greatly. You can do a lot to me and I will ignore it, but, mess with my children and I can get really mad. I forgot to set the alarm clock when I went to bed. I was awoke at 8:39 by my children bringing me a beverage in bed. Since Sunday School starts at 9:15 there was no way we were going to make it. The General suggested we not attend church today since the people who made me so angry go there. He suggested I needed to cool down. He was right. So today we worshipped God through nature and being together as a family. The children made us a wonderful breakfast. The General suggested going to buy some flowers for the front porch planters. The children ask to stay home, so the General and I went together. We went to two stores and just piddled around until I found what I wanted. The General also threw in some wild flower seeds for the youngest to plant. The children helped plant and then made lunch. I feel so much better.

I fell in love with Dahlas today. I never really gave them much attention, but, today I found these beautiful white ones.

I don't know the real name of these, we call them paint brush flowers. We put them in the pots every year.

The General really loved these purple flowers. They were called Mystic Blue.
Here is one of the finished containers. We filled two alike and put them on either side of the front door.
Sew Long for Now.
Your paintbrush flowers are called celosia. I love them! :>)
The flowers are beautiful! I wish my camera took nice up-close pictures.
I hope you are able to come to some resolution with your fellow church-goers soon.
Your flowers look really nice. I'm sorry you've been going through a tough time. I'm the same way...leave my kids alone. grrrr It's so good that your hubby is so understanding. It's great that you ended up having a very nice Mother's Day anyway. :)
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