I finished this yesterday. I haven't done a lot of sewing the last several days. Instead the General took me shopping for a new serger. We picked out one that I will bring home June 6th. It is an Elna 744. I will have to share a picture when it comes.
We also put in our garden. We had to put up new fence this year so that took us extra time. We put in 6 rows of blue lake beans, 19 tomato plants, 2 sweet pepper plants, 4 habinaro pepper plants, 2 squash, 2 zucchini, and 8 cucumber plants. I have sew much sewing to catch up on! I have got to get some work done this week!
Sew Long for Now!
Oh neat! Thanks for that pic. hehe I love the colors.
Wow. You have a real garden. That is so cool!
A new serger. How fun. I've never had one but I had a friend who absolutely loved hers. She made a gown for my son when he was born and serged the hem. I still have it and I have pictures of him wearing it. :) She died when she was 38 so I'm so glad I took those pictures and kept the gown.
Wow Cindi!! My daughter commented (after I read her your list) that you MUST do a lot of canning with that many tomato and cuke plants! Wow! You will be busy! Oh, I love your dishcloth. I hope to work on mine soon. :)
Deb, I haven't canned in a few years. Actually, I have been freezing everything. I did mention to the General that I wanted to get a new pressure cooker this year and begin to can again.
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