Friday, November 09, 2007

The dolls are finished and delivered. We hope that three little girls will be happy to receive these for Christmas. Captain Kitty made the dress for the red headed doll in the middle. This weekend brings lots of work. I have to cut out more soldier outfits for the ballet, work on digitizing an embroidery, hem some pants, and the list is longer but the time is not. I love when people ask me will I not be bored when my children leave home. I have so many ideas and dreams of things to make that I hope to never find myself with nothing to do!

Sew Long for Now!

1 comment:

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Captain Kitty can SEW!
Just *beautiful*, Cindi!
My Mama comes Friday afternoons with her machine and Hope gets out hers, and they sew together---Mama has been teaching Hope just to make bibs. But Joshua is now making a hunting vest.
Do you and Captain Kitty want to come too?
I send love!