Thursday, March 22, 2007

I could post another picture of Schoolhouse Fabrics, I could post two more pictures of Schoolhouse Fabrics! Tuesday I finished cutting out all the flag bunting I had and found that I had miscalculated the amount I needed. After violin lessons that day Captain Kitty and I headed to Floyd. It takes an hour to get there from our house. This was CK's first trip to this paradise. It took us a little longer because I had to give her a tour of every nook and cranny. Then on the way home we stopped at Sweet Providance Farm Market. When I got to Bent Mountain my cell phone rang. It was the General telling me that I needed 16 flags instead of 12. Oh no! The Schoolhouse closed in 1/2 hour so there was no way I could get back today. We went home and I planned on returning the following morning. Early Wednesday I packed up Captain Kitty and Captain Chaos and we headed for Floyd. I bought out the rest of two colors he had in flag bunting. Jerry is so nice! If you ever get a chance go there. Captain Chaos wanted to look around and we did, but not too long because I needed to get home and get to work. He found several fabrics some with Star Wars and some with bugs that he liked and informed me that I would have to make a future trip there. When we got home I cut out the rest of the flags pieces. Then I serged the sides of all 16 flags. I started putting in the rod pockets. These flags are 60X30 and have a rod pocket of 3 1/8 on each end. I only got two done yesterday. Today my goal is to get all the rod pockets completed.

Sew Long for Now!

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