Sunday, April 01, 2007

Friday I spent most of the day in bed. I was having some issues with my bp and pounding in my head so the doctor put me on medication. I just felt drained. Saturday we had planned to celebrate the General's birthday and go out of town. We went to The Tank Museum in Danville, Virginia. It was pretty interesting. Of course my military history buffs loved it. We also enjoyed playing around with some of the exhibits. Here the troops are.

Even the General got in on the fun. It was a nice fun family day. We had good conversation and a lot of horse play. We went out to eat and just enjoyed being together.

This morning we had an inspiring church service. We had communion today. After the service began when we were praying the lights went down in the sanctuary. When the prayer finished and they came up, as the congregation lifted their heads we were awed by the scene that met us. Up at the front of the sanctuary was a table and around it sat the 12 disciples. Who ever ask the people to play the parts did a great job. They looked similar to the DaVinci painting of the last supper. Actually, the whole scene did, props and all. Then as the drama of the last supper was portrayed we joined and had communion when Jesus gave the bread and cup to his disciples we partook also. It was just awesome!

Sew Long for Now!


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

How stunning that must have been! To think, we participate in that same meal whenever we take the cup and the bread, whether we have a visual or not! Beautiful.
How is your dad? Still keeping you all in my prayers...

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

So enjoyed the picture of the General and crew--smiled to think of the day you all enjoyed...
And that He gave His body and blood for us... to have new life.
Oh to eat and drink, indeed... and bow down to worship...

I send love, Cindi...

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Could it be stress related to the huge sewing job you just got done? Glad you got to have a fun family day. I look forward to when the boys are older and we can do things without worrying who is going to touch what - or all those other toddler things.

Sounds like the church display was amazing and worshipful.

LBP said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time at the museum. I live in VA too! In Bedford county, but near the Roanoke county line. Love the pics of your flags.

Linda L said...

Even though I am a native of Danville, I have never, ever been to the Tank Museum. Thanks for sharing the photos!