Wednesday, July 26, 2017

We spent a lovely Saturday afternoon at Douthat State Park Lake.  This is a really nice place with a lovely beach near Covington, VA.
The grandchildren had fun playing with a friend's son in the sand, we swam and road around the lake on a john boat.  I didn't want to leave it was so relaxing.
The next day my husband road with me to the Quiltery in Fairfield, Va on an emergency quilting trip.  I have around 3 weeks to finish the quilt I am working on and I ran out of the sashing fabric.  It just happened to be the last day of the shop's Christmas in July event and she put two of the tins off the Christmas tree in my bag.  I was happily surprised to find emergency treats and holiday dollars to spend in them!  I really like the tins too.  I will have to find something special to put  in them...maybe more emergency treats so I always have a stash on hand.
Trying to find somewhere to lay a row from the quilt to get a visual about how it is coming together.  After I get a few rows put together I am going to even them up and start putting them together.  I had thought about putting batting up on a wall to make a design wall in the room I recently moved all my sewing to, I actually have a blank wall that I could use for that.  The next problem is to just make myself make the time to accomplish the task.  

Sew Long for Now!

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