Wednesday, May 23, 2007

With the help of my three great children I got the garden in today. We planted 36 tomato plants. We also planted 12 Habeneros, 4 crook neck squash, 4 green bell peppers, 4 red bell peppers, 4 eggplant, 8 cucumber mounds, and three rows of green lake beans. It doesn't sound like much because I live in the city and that is all the room we have.
Here is a cute yellow moth who came to sample the water we used after putting in the plants. I don't know if I will get any sewing done today. I will try to mend two pieces I have for a lady and maybe put together a bag I am making for another lady.

Sew Long for Now!


Anonymous said...

Cindi ~ doesn't seem like a lot?? Oh, my! We'll only plant 12 tomato plants this year and will have plenty. Three rows of green beans sounds like a good amount (depending on the length of rows, of course). We haven't gotten our plants in yet but hope to soon! Sounds like you'll be quite busy canning and freezing!

Anonymous said...

We planted lots of tomatoes and peppers too! My hubby bought a bunch of different varieties for us to try. Here's hoping our crops do well!

Anonymous said...

That sure sounds like a lot to me. How nice that they can help you. We'll do a garden one day when the boys can help. Here we have to raise the beds so it'll be a lot of work the first time. You'll be enjoying tomatoes and other goodies in no time!

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Looks GREEEATTTT, Cindi! Well done!! Now tell me---do you have to stake those tomatoes? The wind is rather unforgiving here.
I so appreciate you sharing your life here, Cindi.
Know you are loved, my friend...

Cindi said...

Yes, I have to stake them. I used to use cages, but found I like stakes a lot better.